13 - 03 - 2025
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amp sp1a

   Wired portable media speakers have been around for quite a long time (mostly small stereo ones) but it wasn't until smartphones made their debut around a decade ago that manufacturers focused on the design and manufacture of wireless ones via Bluetooth connectivity. Fast forward a decade and right now the market is literally filled with countless Bluetooth compatible portable speakers of virtually every size possible which not only can be used to significantly boost the audio levels of your smartphone but can also double as speakerphones. To date only two such devices have really peaked our interest, the quite powerful and unique looking SOLEMATE Bluetooth Portable Speaker by Jabra and the extremely easy to use Boost Plus Near Field Audio Amplifying Speaker (needs no wires and Bluetooth to work) by iFrogz. Recently however Antec launched their Antec Mobile Products division (a.m.p) through which they aim to dominate that market with their latest SP1 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker & Speakerphone which we have here today.


   Antec Mobile Products (a.m.p.) is a global consumer Electronics Company committed to putting state of the art mobile and audio technology into the hands of every user. As a division of Antec, the world-renown market leader in PC hardware, a.m.p. is committed to bringing Antec’s winning VIP principles of Value, Innovation and Perfection to the mobile world. Technology is taking on an increasingly greater role in our lives and changing the relationship between user and device. People are not only demanding products that make their lives easier, but are also seeking devices that let them use, share and interact in new ways. By harnessing new technologies, Antec is changing the way people experience life through their mobile devices. a.m.p. understands that mobile products are more than just devices, they are extensions of ourselves: our tastes, habits and curiosity. a.m.p. is committed to the concept of fashion technology by providing you with devices that are not only attractive, but reflect your own unique personality.


   The specifications of the SP1 portable wireless Bluetooth speaker & speakerphone by a.m.p surpass those of most Bluetooth wireless speakers I’ve ever used/tested but one thing did strike me as a bit odd for a rather new Bluetooth compatible device. Long story short the SP1 features the previous Bluetooth 2.1 (+EDR) version which may not be something bad for a Bluetooth speaker (although the 3.0 version has improved energy efficiency and is quite faster-2.1:2Mbps/3.0:26bps) but since 3.0 and 4.0 (4.0 is even more energy efficient than the others) have been in the market for almost a year now i am quite certain that it would make a huge difference especially to people who actually have Bluetooth 3.0/4.0 compatible smartphones. Regardless however even version 2.1 with enhanced data rate is more than enough for AD2P (advanced audio distribution profile) use so let's see what the SP1 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker & Speakerphone has to offer.