14 - 03 - 2025
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dt r30 64gba   There used to be a time when the only ultra-portable storage needs most people had could be easily covered with just a mere 2-4GB USB Flash Drive but much like most things related to technology that changed and now most people carry at least 16GB capacity drives with them at all times. Personally ever since i can remember I’ve always carried a USB flash drive with my keychain and most of the times that used to be an rugged version to ensure i had the best possible data protection against harsh conditions. Unfortunately compared to roughly 3-4 years ago not many manufacturers make rugged USB 3.0 flash drives any more (not really durable ones anyway) and the ones that do only release slow models. Well Kingston takes a different approach and after their already perfect HyperX USB 3.0 flash drive (partially rugged) they have just now released the DT R3.0 USB 3.0 flash drive line (the initials stand for DataTraveler Rugged 3.0) from which we have the 64GB variant here with us.


   Kingston Technology Company, Inc. is the world’s independent memory leader. Founded in 1987 with a single product offering, Kingston® now offers more than 2,000 memory products that support nearly every device that uses memory, from computers, servers and printers to MP3 players, digital cameras and mobile phones. In 2009, the company's sales reached $4.1 billion. With global headquarters in Fountain Valley, California, Kingston employs more than 4,000 people worldwide. Regarded as one of the “Best Companies to Work for in America” by Fortune magazine, Kingston’s tenets of respect, loyalty, flexibility and integrity create an exemplary corporate culture. Kingston believes that investing in its people is essential, and each employee is a vital part of Kingston’s success. Kingston serves an international network of distributors, resellers, retailers and OEM customers on six continents. The company also provides contract manufacturing and supply chain management services for semiconductor manufacturers and system OEMs.


   Overall the Kingston DataTraveler Rugged 3.0 USB Flash Drive is almost identical to the previously released R400/500 USB flash drives since it shares the same rugged (shock resistant) rubber casing (only in blue color). However unlike the R400/500 USB 2.0 models thanks to USB 3.0 the R3.0 is over two times as fast. Of course for people who are after the best possible read/write speeds available as we speak the HyperX line of USB 3.0 flash drives is a one way sincere there's really no competition between those and the R3.0 ones. My biggest concern however right from the moment Kingston announced the availability of the DT R3.0 was just how good it would do against the Supersonic Boost line by Patriot since both products offer a rugged casing, are USB 3.0 and are also similarly priced. Well since the DT R3.0 64GB is finally in our hands it's time to find out.