15 - 03 - 2025
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thunder x3 tgc20a

   Up until recently the most popular gaming peripherals clearly were keyboards and mice and that's not hard to understand since these are the two primary inputs we have with our systems (thus they are even more important to gamers). Over the past two years however gaming chairs have grown in popularity and although they are still nowhere near as important as keyboards and mice they may eventually get there. Now as many of you know although we've been testing gaming chairs for over a year now we've yet to focus in bringing reviews for people on a tight budget and that's actually something on which we've been working for a few months now. Our very first such review is about the entry level TGC20 model by ThunderX3.

   ThunderX3 project does not start from zero! We were born from within Aerocool Advanced Technologies Corp. A leading International Company with more than 14 years expertise developing the most exciting High-Technology, DIY and Gaming Products. ThunderX3 Team is proud of having this Great Company Background and this give us All the power, the knowledge and the support needed to succeed in all our ambitious plans.

   For an entry-level gaming chair model the ThunderX3 TGC20 pack quite a few interesting features so leaving out the quite typical height-adjustment (150-185cm) we see with pretty much any chair in the market it also features a flame retardant PU leather cover, rocking function (3-18 degrees), 2 directional armrests (adjustable height and position), class-4 gaslift which can support up to 150kg (133kg person after deducting the 17kg of the backrest and base) and a plywood frame for increased comfort. Now the features of the TGC20 may not put it at the top but also thanks to its design and rather compact size (always compared to most gaming chairs out there) it could become quite popular among gamers on a tight budget.