15 - 03 - 2025
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poseidon z bluea

   Cherry MX is no longer the only recognized manufacturer of mechanical switches in the market (although certainly the most popular) and although some people feel that others can't reach the same level of quality due to lack of experience/expertise i believe that manufacturing a good mechanical switch is not nuclear science and the fact that even gaming peripheral manufacturers like Razer have decided to do so on their own is proof enough. That being said there's a good amount of research that needs to go into the design and manufacture of a mechanical switch but since Cherry MX is the standard currently others need only to "clone" their solutions. Roughly a month ago we had our first encounter with the brand new Kailh Brown mechanical switches which are basically clones of the very well-known Cherry MX Browns and the results were very good. Well to have a better opinion for Kailh mechanical switches today we decided to take a look at the Poseidon Z mechanical gaming keyboard featuring their Blue ones.


   “Challenge is the game” highlights the philosophy to bring out gamers’ addiction in gaming and the ambition of reaching to the extreme. Tt eSPORTS, a gaming obsessed division from Thermaltake, is uniting gamers from all over the world in a unique & fascinating eSPORTS culture, inherited the spirits of Thermaltake, is an energetic, powerful, bold and intelligent challenger who never says “no” to the extreme competition. We do not only provide gamers the ultimate gaming gears but also fulfills the passion to achieve the ultimate success. Thermaltake has been a well-known brand in the gaming & DIY market for PC Chassis, Coolers and Power Supplies PSU for many years. The brand personality of unique, aggressive, vivid and stylish makes Thermaltake an expert in creating exciting things and fascinating environment for gamers and enthusiasts. Tt eSPORTS inherited the brand personality with unique and creative design by observing users’ behaviors and requirements. The fan cooling design on Tt eSPORTS Challenger keyboard demonstrate the brand spirit. It is the worldwide first keyboard with fan cooling function that could dry your hand sweats and blow tension away during cut-throat competition.


   As mentioned in our previous review of the Poseidon Z using brown switches TteSPORTS took the gamble of using Kailh mechanical ones mainly because Cherry MX simply can't cover all demand so instead of having a limited supply of products to offer to consumers they decided to turn to Kailh. Well after testing the Poseidon Z featuring their brown mechanical switches we all feel it was the right call to make although we'd probably do things a bit differently to avoid confusion amongst consumers (we'd probably launch an new keyboard line based on an entirely different design instead of just placing a Z in the end of the model name). However since when testing the Poseidon Z brown model i didn't have a keyboard with Cherry MX browns here i decided to take things a little bit further and since the Das Keyboard Professional Model S (Cherry MX Blue switches) sits on one of our desks i decided to also ask for the Poseidon Z that makes use of the Kailh Blue switches to see just how different they are (if at all) when used at the same time.