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CHICAGO, March 30, 2012 – Kicking off the weekend, SteelSeries, the leading brand in all things related to being awesome and superior, today announced an entirely new line of products specifically designed for gamers living in an 8-BIT world. Inspired by retro-styled games such as Minecraft or FortressCraft, this revitalized family of SteelSeries ErgoRetro® peripherals has been ergonomically improved for the ultimate PC gaming comfort, control and overall domination. 

“We are ecstatic to introduce these new peripheral designs and share with our community, the entirely new approach to ergonomics and design we are taking when it comes to our products, said SteelSeries CMO, Kim Rom.  We are re-evaluating the importance of high-performance, superior functionality, and comfort for what we believe is the regression of the peripherals industry. Instead of being the first to introduce the mechanical keyboard to gamers or bringing the worlds most customizable mouse to market, we are shifting it back to designs inspired by the first-type of gaming, pixelated 8-Bit style.”

SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Family of Peripherals
The classic and most recognized SteelSeries peripherals including the SteelSeries Sensei Mouse, SteelSeries 6Gv2 Keyboard and SteelSeries Siberia v2 Headset have all been re-designed to fit an ultra-new, ergonomically sound design.

SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Mouse
Taking out the relevant functionality to dominate your game, the SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Mouse has been ergonomically re-altered for extreme hand-sized users, increasing hand-cramp reaction times, and added weight technology for a block-like, retro feel. Features also include a new TrackBlock sensor, modeled after the track-ball with an added 8-Bit flair.

SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Headset
Headsets are simple, make them look cool and the rest will follow. The new SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Headset embodies an oversized, block-like design for sort-of-superior sound and an incredibly limited amount of comfort. Weighing in at 8.6 lbs., users will never forget what they’re wearing.

SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Keyboard
Modeled after the first mechanical gaming keyboard that was introduced in 2007 by SteelSeries, the new SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Keyboard supports the same tank-like, indestructible design, but with new 8-Bit style improvements. The severe, pixel-block design and oversized keys takeaway the fast response time of its user and focuses the attention more on the way it looks than the way it works. 

The SteelSeries 8-Bit ErgoRetro® peripherals will be available soon; pricing is still to be determined. Be sure to check out the SteelSeries Facebook page for giveaways of these new products throughout the weekend at http://facebook.com/steelseries.