08 - 09 - 2024
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Even though i recently moved to the Nikon D3500 I’m still not confident it can reproduce the exact picture quality in total darkness so to counter this (at least partially) i have uploaded the full pictures on the server (due to size however i couldn't upload many). Just like with past 4K media players i used the same testing suite (converted several UHD Blu-Ray titles to H.265 HEVC MKV including Shazam, Braveheart, Birds Of Prey, Batman VS Superman and the Back to The Future trilogy) and i wasn't disappointed since the player produced vivid colors, sharp picture and crystal clear audio (i just used the built-in player however and not KODI). This time however I did take things a bit further so even though during my initial tests i had no problem using the two most popular modes (4k60/4k24) with all the movies mentioned already (almost all the way to 100 Mbit/s) I really wanted to check and see just how much the Pro 4K II could take. To that end I used several HDR H265 HEVC 10-bit demo files with bitrates all the way up to 400 Mbit/s with very good results since the player worked like a charm up to 300 Mbit/s (350-400 Mbit/s proved to be too much).