24 - 02 - 2025
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   Thanks to a huge workload we actually forgot that this giveaway was supposed to end on the 15th (personally I thought it would on the 20th) and so since this is our mistake we decided to make every reply up until this moment valid (some people are very lucky). So our 4 winners are:

1) Alexadra Voulioti (Z523)
2) Dark Syde (T650)
3) Nikhil D'Souza (T650)
Kevin Xue (T650)

   So since time is short (we need to launch our Kingston giveaway in a few hours) congratulations to all the winners and remember to do two simple things. First This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with valid shipping addresses/telephone numbers and second remember to post a picture once you get the product. I know we’ve been saying this all the time but so far only 78% of all our winners have done so and it simply isn’t enough.

   Again congratulations and as for the rest worry not since Kingston has 3 very lucky winners covered in our next giveaway just hours away.

   I've always believed two things, first that anything that people can get for free is always good (even if someone gets something for free they don't like they can always give it to someone that does) and secondly that giving back to people who support your work is the right thing to do and who knows you may put a smile on someone’s face in the process and that's really priceless. So even though it's been just a couple of hours since we closed the doors to our Antec joint contest we are launching yet another one, this time with our friends from Logitech who were kind enough to make 4 prizes available rather than the standard 3 we ask for. So this time up for grabs we have one Z523 2.1 speaker system and three T650 Wireless Rechargeable Touchpads. As always to participate in the giveaway you need to take 4 very small and short steps:


1) Like Our Official Facebook Page
2) Like the Official Logitech Facebook Page
3) Post a reply under the Pinned Logitech Joint Giveaway post in Our Facebook page
4) Share the Giveaway with Your Friends (Share Button over Our Pinned Post)

   The giveaway will run up until the 15th of February and is open for everyone around the world (World Wide). We have promised a Twitter giveaway soon for all of you who don't like Facebook much so all of you interested remember to also join our Official Twitter page. That's it people, good luck to all of you from everyone here and at Logitech and remember to spread the word since as always the more the better for everyone.

logitech long