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    Well it's once again time to close the curtains on yet another one of our awesome giveaways and since we need to finalize the details for the new one which we will be starting today let's skip to the main part. So our three very lucky winners are:

1) Barry Fliegelman
2) Matthew Reinbolz
3) Geod Leto Atreides

    Guys all you need to do is to send your shipping details along with a valid phone number either in FB (reply to our message) or to my This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.so we can have CM Storm dispatch the prizes to you. Also if you want once you receive the prizes do post a picture with you inside if possible purely for verification purposes.

    Congrats to our winners and as for the rest worry not cause our global giveaway starts in a few hours. 

   Although we're all on vacation we did promise all of you a wave of giveaways in 15 day intervals so today although we just finished our TteSPORTS giveaway we will be launching yet another one this time over with our friends from CM Storm who have been kind enough to make not one but three Sirus S 5.1 Surround Sound USB headsets available for our readers. Just like all our giveaways in order to participate you just need to take 4 quick steps. 

1) Like Our Official Facebook Page
2) Like the Official CoolerMaster USA Facebook Page
3) Reply under Our CM Storm Joint Giveaway Post (Pinned Ontop of Our FB Page)
4) Share The Giveaway (By Clicking The Share Button On Our Pinned Post)

   Since we will be launching another giveaway on the 1st of September this giveaway is valid from now and up to the 31st of August. Unfortunately due to shipping constraints this giveaway is open just for residents of the USA. However if you have a relative or friend who could receive it for you we have no problem with that. Also do remember that each of the winners is required to post a picture of or with the prize for verification purposes upon delivery. As mentioned many times already we are not going to force people to do so but it will only take a couple of minutes so we hope that's not too much to ask. Finally you need to check the OTHER folder in your FB messages once the giveaway is over to see if you're one of the lucky winners (you may also check the giveaway page that works too)

   Well that's all for now so good luck to you all from everyone here and at CM Storm and do remember to spread the word since the more the merrier.

cmstorm long