24 - 02 - 2025
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    Another giveaway has come to an end but I think this is a special ending since the next giveaway will be by far the largest one we’ve ever performed since right now we have hit almost 2500Euros in prizes so until the 1st we may have even more available. That being said there are many things for us to check (including which app to use since we can’t ask you all to manually like 20 manufacturer pages manually) so without wasting more time the names of the 5 lucky winners are:

1) Fade Vilkos
Alexadra Voulioti
3) R
icardo Gomes
Jenna Myers
Christoforos Haritos

   Now since Sandberg made the colors seen above available for this giveaway we don’t know what colors will reach the winners. We will try to cover your selection if you have a specific color that you like but we can’t promise anything since it’s out of our hands.

   So the final step is for all of you to send your personal shipping details along with a valid telephone number either to my This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or in FB so we can dispatch your prizes. Remember that once you receive them we’d really like you to post a picture with the product purely for verification issues so everyone can see you actually got the prizes. We can't force you and even if we could it wouldn't be right so we just hope you will.

   As for everyone else stay tuned for our Christmas giveaway since it will blow you away J


   People say that there’s always calm before the storm but I tend to disagree so although we are in the process of securing a massive number of prizes for our global Christmas giveaway that doesn’t mean we will halt our regular ones. So today in cooperation with our friends from Sandberg we have not 1 but 5 PowerBar 2200mAh models up for grabs (colors may vary) and as always you just have to complete 4 small steps in order to participate:

1) Like Our Official Facebook Page
2) Like The Official Sandberg Facebook Page
Post a reply under the Pinned Sandberg Joint Giveaway post in Our Facebook page
4) Share the Giveaway with Your Friends and Family (Share Button over Our Pinned Post)

   This giveaway will last until the 20th of November and is open for everyone around the world (extra-terrestrials included). So do remember to check your other folder in your Facebook messages on the 21st to see if you are the lucky winner (or check this page that will also do).

   So good luck to everyone from us and from our friends at Sandberg and remember to spread the word J

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