24 - 01 - 2025
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    Another day has arrived that marks the end of yet another giveaway. This giveaway was just to put every single one of you in the mood of what's to come but i have to admit that i was expecting more people to participate (seems that hardware is a lot more tempting). Regardless our job (or better yet the job of our random number generator) is to pick 5 lucky winners so here we go:

1) Marty Runcorn is the first winner of the day
2) The 2nd licence belongs to Le TK
3) Herman Van Veen is the 3rd lucky winner
4) The 4th license goes to Marek Blaszczyk
5) Adrian Nef is our last winner


    Since this time we are giving away software we can't ask for pictures so that's it, congrats on your new AIDA64 Licences people. Each key will be dispatched via FB so be sure to check your "OTHER" messages folder as soon as you see this. As for the rest of you hang on since we plan on starting our 34th giveaway in a few hours.

    2014 is here people so the time has come for us to start our giveaway spree once again. We will of course have plenty of the serious hardware giveaways you all enjoy inside the year but since it will take some time to arrange those until then we've decided to do something faster and so we have joined hands with our friends from FinalWire to make available a total of five 3 year AIDA64 Extreme Edition license keys for 5 very lucky winners. To have the chance to win one of those keys you need to take 3 very small steps:

1) Like Our Official Facebook Page
2) Like The Official AIDA64 Facebook Page
3) Post a reply under the Pinned AIDA64 Joint Giveaway post in Our Facebook page 

   Since we want to fit two giveaways each month this one will last until the 15th of January and is open for everyone around the world (alien life forms included - Earth address required). So all of you joining need to remember to check your other folder in your Facebook messages page on the 16th to see if you are amongst the 5 lucky winners (or you can also check this page either will do fine).

   So again HAPPY NEW YEAR and good luck to all from everyone here and at FinalWire :)
