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    Time to close the doors on our 49th giveaway people and since we only have one winner today there's no need to drag things far. So our very lucky winner is Michael Kristensen. Congratulation Michael and remember that you need to send us your shipping details along with a valid telephone number in our FB account so we can ask FSP to ship your prize.

    Also do remember to post a picture of the prize once you receive it purely for validation purposes. Again congrats and as for the rest of you stay tuned cause we may have something very nice for our 50th giveaway soon.

   2014 is behind us but that doesn’t mean we have to change our program so today we’re throwing the 1st giveaway of 2015 and our 49th giveaway in total since we came online 34 months ago. Now you all know that this Christmas we gathered 29 products from a wide range of manufacturers worth almost 3000Eur (well over that if you include our Tesoro giveaway) so naturally we wanted to offer something really good now. So to that end we joined hands with our friends from FSP to offer one very lucky reader one of their top of the line PSUs, the Aurum Pro 1200W.

   As always in order to qualify you need to take three very easy and fast steps:

1) Like our Official Facebook Page
2) Like the Official FSP Global Facebook Page
3) Reply under our NikKTech & FSP Worldwide Giveaway pinned post in Facebook with a reason why you should be the one to win the Aurum Pro 1200W. 

   We wanted to launch this giveaway on the 15th to allow for 15 full days for all of you to join but unfortunately it took as just a tad longer. Regardless the giveaway will still run until the 31st of January and as clearly stated at the title it’s open for EVERYONE around the world. Of course we don’t really have to point out that if we notice multiple entries by some of you via fake profiles we will discard them since lately we’ve been receiving quite a few complaints regarding that.

   Well that’s pretty much it people, good luck to all of you from us and our friends in FSP and do remember to share the giveaway with your friends and family (forums and blogs will do too) since as always the more the merrier (that will also allow us to bring you more giveaways in the future).
