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    Today marks not only the end of our 3way joint contest with OCZ, In-Win and Thermalright but also our 4 month online and so i'd like to thank you all for your support. Now i know how anxious some of you are to read the list of our three lucky winners so without further delay i give you their names:

1st) Our OCZ RevoDrive Hybrid 1TB goes to Richard Goodwill (lucky guy)
2nd) The Glacier 900W 80Plus Gold Certified PSU by IN-WIN goes to Croco Dile (A name would be easier :) )
3rd) Finally Jim Lipscomb will be receiving the massive Thermalright Silver Arrow SB-E CPU Cooler.

    All that's left now is for all of you to send me your contact details along with a valid cell/tel number (send it either here or to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and wait until they arrive. Also do remember to post a picture of or with the prize once you receive it. Many of the past prize winners have ignored this and although there's really nothing i can do to force you all please do remember that this is just a small way to ensure people that we are giving away the prizes and not keeping them to ourselves.

    Once again conrgatulations to you all and remember to spread the word like you always do :)

PS : New contest/giveaway going live either today or tomorrow, depends on the workload.

    The more the merrier is something I always believed to be true in regard to giveaways and so instead of giving away prizes from a single manufacturer this time over I thought it would be nice to take a different course and so today up for grabs we have 3 products by 3 different manufacturers and more specifically OCZ Technology, In-Win and Thermalright. This contests/giveaway prizes are the following:

1) OCZ RevoDrive Hybrid 1TB Hybrid PCI-E SSD
2) In-Win Glacier 900W Power Supply Unit
3) Thermalright Silver Arrow SB-E CPU Cooler

   As always in order to participate you only need to take a few very easy steps such as:

1) Like Our Official Facebook Page
2) Like The Official OCZ, In-Win & Thermalright Facebook Pages
3) Post Under Our OCZ, In-Win & Thermalright Joint Contest Thread (Pinned On-Top Of Our FB Page)

   This giveaway will last up until the 19th of July and is open World Wide so you can participate just as long as you don’t live on another planet or on the highest mountain away from civilization (don’t know if courier companies have helicopters specifically for that job). All the winners will be announced shortly after the end of the deadline and since this is a giveaway with 3 different manufacturers the names of the winners will be cross referenced to verify that they have joined/liked all 4 pages. Prize winners are also required to post pictures of the products once they receive them in our Facebook page purely for verification purposes.

   That’s all people, I and everyone at OCZ, In-Win & Thermalright wish you all the best of luck and remember to share so we can have such giveaways until the end of time.

PS : Happy 4th Of July to all our Friends in the USA J 

