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   September is finally here people and you don’t need me to tell you that this pretty much means we’ve moved to the best season of the year (best for our valued PCs that is) and that we also need to close the curtain on yet another of our giveaways.

   So since you don’t like to wait the names of our 4 lucky winners are:

1) Philip Miller gets the Predator M.2 PCIe G2 480GB SSD
2) The 120GB Savage SSD goes to Martin Jones
3) Manolis Fotinis is the lucky recipient of the 120GB Fury SSD
4) Adam Nebrea will be getting the Savage 3.1 64GB USB Flash Drive

   Now many of you have asked just how many times one is eligible to win in our giveaways and the answer has always been the same, we don’t have a limit. Everything is done automatically by assigning numbers to all your replies and then using a random number generator to pick them so if you’re very lucky there’s nothing we can do about it really (some of you have won two and even three times in our giveaways).

   With that out of the way all that’s left for our lucky winners is for them to either reply to the Facebook message we send them with their shipping details, email and a valid phone number or send them to my This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

   Again congrats and stay tuned since either today or tomorrow we’re launching yet another global giveaway.


   Inside just 2 days I’ve hurt both my right hand and leg while re-arranging some let’s just say “heavy” items in the lab. Still having promised a global giveaway for all of our readers I couldn’t stay away so today we’re kicking off our It’s All About Speed storage media giveaway with our friends from HyperX.

   Up for grabs today we have the following 4 great prizes:

1) HyperX Predator M.2 PCIe G2 480GB SSD
2) HyperX Savage SATA III 120GB SSD
3) HyperX Fury SATA III 120GB SSD
4) HyperX Savage USB 3.1 64GB Flash Drive

   To participate you just need to take the three usual steps as described beneath:

1) Like our official Facebook Page
2) Like the official HyperX Facebook Page
3) Reply under our pinned post in Facebook by saying how you feel about HyperX and their products.

   Due to the low weight of all prizes this giveaway is open to everyone all over the globe so it doesn’t matter where you live (as long as it is on planet Earth). Also this giveaway will run up to the end of August at which time we will announce the names of our 4 lucky winners in this post here (and on Facebook).

   Last but certainly not least it has come to our attention that some of you feel we should “screen” all participants in our giveaways and exclude any “potential” fake profiles. This is actually not a bad idea but Facebook doesn’t belong to us and as long as it deems ok to allow such profiles to exist we can’t really exclude them from our giveaways. We ban such profiles from our forums almost on a daily basis (identical IP addresses and spam bots) but these are our forums and it falls upon us to do so.

   With that out of the way we wish you all good luck and remember to also share our giveaways, it just takes a second to do so and it ensures we will do many more in the future.
