01 - 03 - 2025
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seagate givevaway

   As many of you know today we are launching our annual Christmas World Wide giveaway which will run through the 20th of the month and since that requires quite a bit of time to setup without further ado our 10 lucky winners are:

1) The two Enterprise NAS 8TB drives go to Sakis Pitsios and John Young.
2) John Johnnakidis, Felipe Almeida and Martin Jones will each get one Enterprise NAS 6TB HDD.
3) One Wireless Mobile Storage 500GB will go to Kalia Tommy, one to Dimitris Haritos and one to Simona Palkovičová.
4) Todd Eckard and Kurt Van Hove will each get a 1TB Game Drive For Playstation.

   Congratulations all but we’re not done yet. You still need to send your personal details either by messaging us in Facebook or sending them to my email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). You have a total of 30 days to claim your prizes so hurry up.

   Also do remember to post a picture of the product (or with the product if possible) in our Facebook page so people can see that the prizes actually got to you. We know that many of you don’t think it’s important but it’s important to us for people to know we’re actually giving away the products in our giveaways.

    Stay tuned for our Annual Christmas World Wide Giveaway which should be up in a few hours.


   Due to extreme workload and several personal problems it took some while for us to arrange a brand new giveaway but I think it was well worth the wait since today we’re giving away almost 40TB worth of storage courtecy of our friends over at Seagate. To be more specific up for grabs today we have the following:

1) 2x Enterprise NAS 8TB SATA III Hard Disk Drives
2) 3x Enterprise NAS 6TB SATA III Hard Disk Drives
3) 3x Wireless Mobile Storage 500GB
4) 2x Game Drive For Playstation 1TB

   These drives are brand new and as with all of our giveaways in order to be eligible to win one of them you need to take three very easy steps:

1) Like Our Official Facebook Page
2) Like The Official Seagate Facebook Page
3) Like The Giveaway Post Pined Ontop Of Our Facebook Page (People who also post will have 2 entries in this Giveaway)

   Unlike most times this time over our giveaway is “like to win” so a post is not required. We decided to do this to see if it’s easier for people to participate when they don’t have to reply beneath our pinned post.

   This giveaway is open to everyone around the world and will run up until the 1st of December at which time we should launch our annual Christmas giveaway.

   That’s all people, from both us and our friends over at Seagate we wish all of you the best of luck.

seagate long