26 - 06 - 2024
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Asetek, innovator of gaming hardware for next-level immersive gaming experiences and the creator of the all-in-one (AIO) liquid cooler, today announced a strategic partnership with Fabric8labs, a leading innovator in metal 3D printing.

This exclusive partnership with Fabric8Labs covers the commercial and consumer desktop markets and introduces a revolutionary advancement in liquid cooling technology, showcased in the AI Optimized Cold Plate. Leveraging Fabric8Labs’ cutting-edge Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing (ECAM) technology, Asetek has developed a cold plate design that will redefine industry leading performance.

The partnership embodies a shared commitment to innovation that drives superior performance, high quality, and lasting reliability. The AI Optimized Cold Plate demonstrates a significant improvement over previous generations, highlighting the effectiveness of this collaboration.

Fabric8Labs’ unique 3D printing technology plays a pivotal role in this innovation. Their ECAM method allows for the creation of complex, high-resolution structures that significantly improve thermal capabilities through enhanced fluid dynamics. Also, by eliminating the need for post-processing, ECAM ensures the highest quality and integrity of each cold plate and is massively scalable to support high-volume production demands.

Beyond performance, the AI Optimized Cold Plate emphasizes sustainability. The innovative manufacturing process is not only efficient but also environmentally friendly, marking a significant advancement in metal additive manufacturing technology.

“Partnering with Fabric8Labs allows us to push the boundaries of liquid cooling technology. Their innovative metal 3D printing process enhances our ability to deliver high-performance, reliable, and sustainable solutions,” said John Hamill, COO of Asetek.

“We are excited to collaborate with Asetek to bring our proprietary ECAM technology to the desktop market, providing customers with superior performance. This partnership exemplifies our shared dedication to quality and innovation,” said Jeff Herman, CEO and co-founder of Fabric8Labs.

Asetek’s new AI Optimized Cold Plate will be featured at Computex 2024 within the ASUS ROG booth. Come visit us there to learn more.  www.asetek.com.