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(Taipei, Taiwan) World-renowned mainboard and graphics card manufacturer MSI announced earlier the release of their H77-series mainboards, featuring Intel® Smart Response Technology that boosts the overall work efficiency of computer systems. In order to provide users a deeper experience of the joy of time savings, MSI has put together the "TIME IS MONEY" timed challenge game. By completing two challenges named "Lightning Round" and "Pairing" within the 77-second limitation, you will have a chance to take home the H77-series mainboard for free!

Contest Name: MSI "TIME IS MONEY" Timed Challenge Contest
Contest Duration: 17:00 May 14, 2012 -17:00 June 14, 2012 (GMT+8)
Contest Rules: Take part in MSI's "TIME IS MONEY" timed challenge within the contest period. Complete the following two challenges within the 77-second limit, and you will have the chance to take home an H77 series mainboard!

•  Challenge 1: "Lightning Round": Five questions in total. Upon answering all of them correctly, you will automatically enter the second challenge phase.
•  Challenge 2: "Pairing": Pick out pairs of matching images from a set of 12 poker cards; the challenge is completed when all cards are revealed.

Event Website: http://event.targets.com.tw/msi/msi-H77/en/
The list of winners will be announced on the event website on June 21.