01 - 06 - 2024
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fiio fh5s review b

   The very first time i put the FH5s on and used them with several 24bit FLAC tracks i have to admit that even though the sound stage is indeed spacious audio seemed very plain, some may call it neutral or flat, i guess. Clarity and detail (and even color) were good but audio performance just didn't stand out as much as i was hoping it would from this particular model. So next stop was to start tweaking audio by using the 3 available DIP switches and here's where things started to become interesting. Now right from the get go don't expect bass levels that will blow you away but the FH5s do a very good job in that area by producing deep and warm lows which really shine when listening to bass-heavy tracks. Highs are also very good but unlike for example the FA9 they start to become very intense at almost full volume so do keep that in mind. You should also keep in mind that the FH5s need to be paired with a device that can actually drive/power them to the max and even though the M15 is perfectly capable of doing that i found that my RealMe 7 Pro and Redmi Note 8/9 Pro smartphones just fell a bit short in that regard (which is something you'd expect from most if not all smartphones honestly).

   Retailing for USD249.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 265.27Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) the FH5s by FiiO are priced just about right. Granted they may not offer the best possible all-around audio reproduction out there which means that you should be able to find a specific sound signature model for less but what the FH5s have going for them is that you can use the DIP switches to cover all sound signatures (music genres effectively) and for some people that’s invaluable. At the end of the day just like the higher-end FA9 before them the FH5s are the jack of all trades and since they deliver on everything, I was hoping they would they deserve the Golden Award.


- Very Good Build Quality
- Overall Audio Performance (Mids /Highs /Bass)
- 2 Knowles BA Drives (8 Possible Audio Combinations)
- Design (For Some)
- Detachable Plugs & Cable with MMCX Gold Plated Connectors
- Rich Bundle (Carrying Case /13 Pairs of Eartips /MMCX Assist Tool/Cleaning Brush/2.5mm & 4.4mm Connectors)
- 120 Core Litz Type 2 Silver Plated Copper Cable
- Available In 2 Colors


- Price (For Some)
- Cable Thickness