14 - 06 - 2024
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fiio fd3 review b

   As with most in-ear monitor models i tested the FD3 both with my FiiO M15 music player and several of my smartphones for a period of just over 3 weeks (primarily right before going to bed at night which is why it took longer than usual). Initially i have to admit that i hadn't paid much attention to the bundled acoustic tubes so even though the FD3 produced accurate audio with plenty of bass it did lack the fidelity i was expecting in regards to highs. Well, in the end i took that for granted so for a whole week i tested it using the default acoustic tube which emphasizes bass (since i do listen to lots of songs that require bass - heavy metal included - this wasn't a bad thing). Second week i used the acoustic tubes which emphasize tremble and yes, this made a significant difference in regards to audio tracks rich in highs (detail). At the same time however the lack of bass is also evident so you may end up changing acoustic tubes quite often to match the audio content you're listening to (again, this is a good thing since you can get optimal results regardless of the type of audio track you're listening to). Build quality is just as impressive as audio quality with both the earpieces and the cable itself getting high scores. Personally, i also like the design of the FD3 but even though it’s a relatively small IEM model it’s still larger than many others in the market today and that may not sit well with some consumers. Finally bundling 11 sets of earpieces is something many of you will like, if not because they can be used to further finetune audio output then because comfort levels vary quite a bit (and thus you will find one that fits you more).

   So just how much do you need to spend to get your very own FD3 IEMs by FiiO? Well, FiiO has always done a very good job in terms of pricing and so currently you can find the FD3 for just USD99.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 120.74Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). Yes, swapping acoustic tubes depending on what you want to listen may not be the most convenient thing but the end result more than makes up for that. On top of that combine the very good build quality and the impressive bundle and it’s clear why the FiiO FD3 deserve the Golden Award.


- Very Good Build Quality
- Crisp & Accurate Mids / Highs (Black Acoustic Tube)
- Deep Bass Levels (Red Acoustic Tube)
- Diamond Like Carbon Diaphragms
- Detachable 4 Strand Monocrystalline Copper Cable (MMCX)
- Plastic Carrying / Storage Case
- 11 Sets of Eartips
- Price (For Some)


- Cable Thickness (Not Tangle Proof)