13 - 06 - 2024
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1more penta review 1t

As usual 1MORE uses a black and gold box to ship the IEMs the front of which has a large product picture right under their logo and next to its main features.



The box opens up like a book and so on the right side the magnetic clip has the company name on it.



Moving on the left side we find the main product specifications.



The product specifications and features are printed at the rear of the box in multiple languages.



As mentioned earlier the box opens up like a book and so on one side, we find some product drawings while on the other we see the product under a clear plastic cover.



Along with the Penta P50 IEMs inside the box 1MORE has also placed a carrying/storage pouch, 7 eartip pairs, 3.5mm to USB-C adapter, support paper with 2D barcode, warranty information paper and the user guide.