14 - 06 - 2024
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jabra voxb

   We used the Jabra VOX for over a month with several smartphones, 3 A/V Amplifiers, the X-Fi Titanium HD and two MP3/4 players with quite impressive results. For once the VOX offers very good bass levels that can even beat with ease bass levels we've encountered with full headphone sets. Of course the bass produced was not very warm/deep like the ones produced by some other earphones in the market but for the audience Jabra is targeting with the VOX we can't really complain. Unfortunately however although the VOX also has very accurate and crisp mids the same doesn't apply for the high-range since it clearly lacks clarity there (perhaps due to the bass levels). True one can never expect perfection from a pair of earphones but I’ve used quite a few that performed much better in that specific area so i really think Jabra could do more. The DOLBY DIGITAL feature enabled through the Sound App can help with some specific songs and also while watching movies but sometimes it's better turned off but that i think boils down to personal preference. The Sound app in its entirety is not very impressive but it does allow you to either manually configure the equalizer or use one of the many presets so again it can come in handy. As for the microphone well that's not perfect either but thanks to its placement people on the other end were able to hear us quite loud and clear.


   As mentioned quite a few times in this review the VOX in-ear earphones in mostly targeted towards casual consumers searching for a very good pair of earphones without having to spend much in the process and with a price tag currently set at USD59.98 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and 70Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk) Jabra just might have accomplished that. Certainly the VOX are not the perfect earphones (thus my quest continues) but they are the ideal ones for people who like listening to bass-rich tunes (and movies) so that along with their very good design, superior comfort, build quality second to none and the Sound app just got them our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Design
- Bass Levels
- Very Comfortable
- Tangle-Free Cable
- 90° 3.5mm Plug (Space-Saving)
- High Quality Carrying Pouch
- Price (For Some)




- High Range Clarity/Detail