13 - 06 - 2024
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1more quad driver in earb

   Since the only multi-driver headsets we’ve used to date have mostly been gaming ones we really didn’t know what to expect from the Quad Driver In-Ear Headphones by 1MORE. At first I honestly thought that this was one more marketing “gimmick” but after spending over a week with them (not including all the burn-in hours) I can verify that the Quad Driver In-Ear Headphones produce very good mids with near-excellent highs and a good amount of bass with a relatively rich soundstage (detail is quite remarkable for a pair of earphones). Due to their high quality materials (and the 4 drivers per ear piece no doubt) however these are not very light so you may need to use most if not all of the bundled ear tips to achieve the best possible fit and noise isolation. Once again the MEMS microphone used is nothing special and so we didn’t notice any significant difference compared to most we’ve used to date. Unfortunately since we never had the chance to test the Triple Drivers (to date that is) we can’t really compare them to the Quad Drivers but according to 1MORE the difference is not only visible but also very easy to spot when listening to music. As for the Assistant Android/iOS app I was surprised to see that it hasn’t received as much coverage as it deserves especially since it helps the end user to burn-in any type of headset with ease (still you do need to use your smartphone and to some people that may not be very convenient).

   Although to date most stores have an attached price tag of USD199/199Euros for the Quad Driver In-Ear Headset by 1MORE today (and as supplies last) you can grab yours for just USD138.83 in the USA (Amazon.com) and for 193Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). At USD199 the Quad Driver In-Ear Headphones would cost twice as much as the Triple Driver model and thus some people may have considered them as a bit expensive but at the time of this review at least that’s not the case. That being said these are probably the best pair of earphones to reach our lab to date not just in terms of build quality but also audio reproduction and for that they are definitely worth our Platinum Award.


- Excellent Build Quality (Streamlined Aluminum Sound Chambers)
- Audio Reproduction / Sound Stage (Good Bass With Near Excellent Mids / Highs)
- Expertly Tuned By Grammy® Winning Sound Engineer Luca Bignardi
- Design (Tungsten Textured Accents)
- In Line Controller
- Assistant Android/iOS App
- Kevlar Reinforced & Tangle resistant Cable
- 45 Degrees Angled Ear Fittings
- 90 Degrees Angled Gold Plated 3.5mm Plug
- Bundle (Travel Case / 9 Sets Of Silicon Ear Fittings / Airline Adapter)
- Current Price (USA)


- Current Price (EU)
- Relatively Heavy And Bulky (Compared To Other Models)