13 - 06 - 2024
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THE H850







edifier h850 07t

Although the H850 feature an aluminum frame the exterior is primarily made out of plastic and so they weigh just 169g.



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Typically to showcase the size of the H850 we used the compact REVO Wireless headset by Jabra.



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The exterior of both earcups features a very thin layer of brushed aluminum on which Edifier has placed their logo.



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Left and right markings are placed right over both earcups.



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Unfortunately as mentioned earlier the exterior body is primarily made out of plastic.



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The 3.5mm port is placed at the base of the left earcup and features a lock feature so you can't accidentally detach the cable.


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Edifier has used very large (comfortable) earpads for the H850 covered with synthetic leather.



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The earcups feature a fold flat feature which makes them easier to store and carry.



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Edifier has also used synthetic leather to cover the earpads.



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The headband extends up to 30mm (3cm) on both sides via 8 increments.



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There are no visible increments on the exterior however while on the interior there are only 6.