13 - 06 - 2024
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fiio m11 gui 1t

Although the M11 is using a customized Android v7.0 version the main screen should be very familiar to everyone.



Via the settings menu you can access pretty much every possible menu as with any Android v7.0 smartphone (minus the SIM, GPS and other secondary functions).



ES file explorer and FiiO Music are the two only 3rd party apps pre-installed in the M11.



The FiiO music app features most (certainly not all however) settings one could hope to find in any similar application.



Almost half of the 5.15 inch screen is taken by the album art.



From this screen you can also access the 10-band dynamic equalizer function.



FiiO ships the M11 with a total of equalizer 8 presets (plus your very own).



From the drop-down menu you have quick access the screens brightness levels, wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth), Gain levels, filter settings, AirPlay support and output selection.



Prior to testing our sample was updated to version 1.0.5 (which as you can all see addressed a good number of bugs).