13 - 06 - 2024
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majority humboldt review b

   When I received the Humboldt from Majority the very first thing, I did was compare it to the Quadriga and as expected the latter does come on top in some areas, most notably bass levels (perhaps build quality a bit too). The 2.0 stereo system of the Humboldt does a very good job with mids and even highs but it lacks the extra punch offered by Quadriga’s dedicated subwoofer (2.1). This of course also means that the Humboldt doesn’t deliver the same volume as the Quadriga so if you’d like to fill a large room without issue the Quadriga is the obvious choice (keep in mind however that the Quadriga is roughly 25% larger compared to the Humboldt). Aside the speaker system however everything else is pretty much the same between these two units, from the radio functionality to the CD player and the USB port. Color is of course something that potential buyers will either like or not and to be honest even though I do prefer the all-black of the Quadriga for my bedroom the gunmetal grey of the Humboldt would probably blend-in easier in other areas of the house (or even the office).

   With a current price tag set at 197.93Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) the Majority Humboldt Internet Radio Music System is quite affordable, always for what it offers. At 30% higher of course someone can opt for the better Quadriga model but again if you don’t plan on filling a large room, you just don’t care much about bass levels or if black is not the only color you like then I really think the Humboldt will cover all your needs and then some and for that it clearly deserves the Golden Award.


- Audio Quality
- FM RDS Radio / Internet Radio / Podcasts / DAB / DAB+
- Spotify Connect / UnDOK App Audio Streaming
- CD Player & USB Media Player (MP3)
- Wired
& Bluetooth Wireless Connectivity
- Color TFT Screen
- 3 Year Limited Warranty
- Tree Plated With Every Sale


- USB Audio Format Compatibility (MP3 Only)
- Limited Bass (For Some)