13 - 06 - 2024
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gravastar venus bluetooth speaker review b

   It's been quite a while since i had bluetooth speakers in the lab mainly because I reached a point where I felt nothing new was getting introduced in the market (in that segment). Does that mean the Venus by Gravastar is something new? Yes and no. Yes, because thanks to its design and its zinc alloy body it doesn’t look and feel anything like a speaker and no because you can find similar audio performance by other speakers (larger in size for the most part). And this is where the Venus shines, it looks great, it’s tiny and yet it packs quite a punch, especially if you pair it with a second one. Audio performance is also very good, not saying its audiophile grade (it’s not) but it’s a lot better than I could ever hope to expect from such a tiny speaker. As for battery life Gravastar claims you can hit 8 hours at 65% volume and for the most part I have to agree with them since during my tests and volume set well over 80%, I was easily able to surpass 6 hours (still do keep in mind that you may need to charge the device a few times before the battery reaches optimal performance).

   With just 1 full week left before Christmas 2020 the Venus Wireless Bluetooth Speaker by Gravastar retails for USD79 (Gravastar.com) a price tag which is identical to what the Venus retailed while in their highly successful Indiegogo campaign. This however means you need to spend USD158 for 2 Venus speakers and that just might be much for some people, especially when you can find the much larger (and impressive) Mars for the same amount. Still, it’s definitely worth it if you’d like to have stereo sound and since just like the Mars the Venus is a special little wireless bluetooth speaker it gets the Golden Award.


- Build Quality (Zinc Alloy)
- Compact Size
- Futuristic Design (6 RGB LEDs)
- Power Output (10W)
- Battery Life (Up To 8 Hours)
- TWS Support (Two Venus Speakers)
- Available In 4 Colors (Shadow Black/Dawn White/Flare Red/Aurora Green)


- Price (For Some)
- Lack Of Support For Hi-Res Codecs