01 - 06 - 2024
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oregon boomberob

   The Boombero is a compact wireless speaker that looks great and performs quite well for its size but due to the current state of NFA technology it's not what I’d call perfect (much like all NFA wireless speakers currently). You see although NFA makes it extremely easy for anyone to use their android/iOS compatible smartphone just by placing it on the speaker each smartphone has its NFA sensor placed elsewhere and so even by taking a look at the correct placement chart you can see how long it may take someone to find out the correct placement. Of course that can be easily resolved if smartphone manufacturers sit down and create an standard so all smartphones can have their NFA sensors at a specific spot but until that day comes all NFA wireless speakers will have the same issue. There are some good news however and so if you happen to own an iPhone 4/4s or a Samsung Galaxy SIII/S smartphone you will be able to use the Boombero as intended. 


   Although there aren't that many Near Field Audio wireless speakers in the market and that makes them hot accessories their prices are quite low and so the Boombero by Oregon Scientific currently retails for just USD55 inside the USA and 45Euros inside the EU. At the same price range however you can also get the Boost Plus by iFrogz which happens to be slightly more powerful (and larger) but things like that come down to personal preference and personally i like the Boombero a bit more in terms of design. So if you are looking to buy an wireless portable speaker and you think you can adjust to the way NFA works then the Boombero is worth checking out.




- Build Quality
- Size
- Mounting Spot
- NFA Technology
- Good Sound Amplification
- Battery Life
- Price (For Some)




- Smartphone Placement
- Works With Normal 1.5v AAA Batteries