01 - 06 - 2024
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jabra solemate mini 01t

The Solemate Mini arrived inside a small box with a large product image at the front right next to the Jabra logo, compatible devices and the NFC logo.



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On the right side of the box you can see a picture showing all the available connectors.



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You can take a quick look at the main features of the product on the left side.



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At the rear you can see a picture of the product without the front grill, a picture of the product that shows the cable storage at the base and finally 3 boxes used to show its place in the Solemate family of speakers.



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Listed at the bottom of the box are the contents of the bundle along with a quick product description in 12 languages.



jabra solemate mini 06t

Inside the box you will find the Solemate Mini with the 3.5" audio cable mounted at the bottom, microUSB to USB cable, warranty paper, product registration paper and the user’s guide.