13 - 06 - 2024
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jabra solemate maxb

   When we first saw the Solemate Max we all thought it was a beast and it is in terms of size since it's the 2nd largest portable speaker we've ever tested right after the massive TDK Boombox A73. However if I’ve learned something through all the years testing similar devices is that size alone doesn't necessarily mean anything but luckily in the case of the Solemate Max that's not the case since compared to the original Solemate and the TDK A33 if i had to guess after using it for roughly a full month I’d say it's roughly 40-60% more powerful and that's not a small feat although some would argue that since it's easily over twice as large it should be more powerful (as a matter of fact some people already did). Highs are very good and clear, mids are accurate and the bass is more than we've ever come across with a similar device so we have no complaints in this area. Build quality is also superb although i do expect some people not to be very fond of the rubber coated enclosure since it gives a rather sports feeling/look to the speaker although it clearly offers protection in harsh environments for electronics like for example the beach (worked there without issue for 6 days). The capacity of the rechargeable li-ion battery is also high enough to allow up to 11 hours of playback time at maximum volume so Jabra is not far off with their numbers. The only downside is that you need over two hours to fully recharge the Solemate Max but we can't have it all now can we? Using the Solemate Max as a speakerphone was another surprise since both ends received very good audio clarity although i strongly recommend not getting more than 2-3m away from the device while on a call.


   The Solemate Max is a unique product and since there aren't that many in the market like it we never did expect Jabra to give it away for free. With a current price tag however set at USD399.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and 320Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk) the Solemate Max is priced higher than we could had ever expected and that's pretty much the only serious drawback this device has since if you want something similar in terms of output power the TDK Boombox A73 is a far cheaper solution although it’s not rugged and can't be moved around as easily (but it does offer FM reception). In the end it all boils down to how much you are willing to spend and what you want but since the Solemate Max delivers on everything promised by Jabra and then some we can't deny giving it our Platinum Award.


- Build Quality (Rugged Housing)
- Amplifier Output (90W Total)
- Audio Clarity (Excellent Mids/Highs)
- Bass Levels (Rear Bass Reflex)
- Bluetooth v3.0, USB & 3.5mm AUX Inputs
- Rechargeable Battery (Can Be Used To Charge Other Devices)
- Design
- 3.5mm Cable
- Battery Life (Up To 14 Hours)
- Speakerphone



- Price (For Some)
- Volume Levels (Not As Much As We’d Hoped For Its Size)