01 - 06 - 2024
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sound blasteraxx axx200 17t

Creative also send over the docking base which basically allows charging of the Axx 200 without plugging it anywhere while the extra power plugs guarantee use all over the world.



sound blasteraxx axx200 18t

Inside the box you will find the docking base, AC power adapter, 4 power plugs, microUSB to USB charging cable, user’s manual and warranty information papers.



sound blasteraxx axx200 19tsound blasteraxx axx200 20t
The docking base has the same design as the AXX 200 and it basically has two small gold plated charging pins that come in contact with the base of the speaker.



sound blasteraxx axx200 21t

Of course prior to doing that you need to remove the round rubber cover at the center of the base prior to using it (you can than mount it beneath the docking station for safe keeping).



sound blasteraxx axx200 22t

Just a small microUSB charging port is placed at the rear of the docking station.



sound blasteraxx axx200 23t

While on the charging base the AXX 200 measures roughly 215mm in height.