01 - 06 - 2024
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havit m22 8t

The 911g heavy body of the M22 is made out of silicone, metal and hard plastic and measures 229mm in length, 114.5mm in width and 65.4mm in height.



To see just how large the M22 is we placed it right next to what might be HAVITs largest Bluetooth speaker to date the HV-SK159BT.



On both the front and rear HAVIT has placed two metal plates and two metal mesh pieces past them.



The volume up/down/next track/previous track, power on/off and play/pause buttons are placed at the top of the enclosure.



HAVIT has made it so that you can remove the rope handle if you want (more on that later).



A small compartment is placed on the right side of the device and in here we find the microSD card slot, 3.5mm aux input, micro USB charging port and a USB charging port (for external devices).



By removing the rope handle you can change the orientation of the unit as seen above (the feet feature removable taps).



As you will see later on from the next page we were surprised with the audio quality and volume levels of the M22 and although interior build quality is not stellar we've seen worse.