14 - 06 - 2024
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The main control software is the Creative App so you will need to download it prior to using the Katana V2 (mostly if you decide to use the USB audio function).

creative app 1t

From the main tab you can access and control most aspects of the soundbar including its preferred sound mode, Super X-Fi (you will need a separate app for this), acoustic engine (audio tweaking), crystal voice (microphone tweaking), equalizer, scout mode (emphasizes online gaming), lighting (RGB LED bar effects), Dolby Decoder, mixer and custom buttons (button customization).



Inside the playback tab Creative has placed just that, audio quality for both speaker and headphone use. Needless to say, the same applies for the recording tab.



Last but not least from inside the settings tab you can check for firmware updates, reset the device, change the VFW display brightness, adjust subwoofer volume, enable/disable the energy saving features and enable/disable the HDMI CEC standby link.