01 - 06 - 2024
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The new Katana SE model is larger than its predecessors and so it weighs 2.67Kg and measures 650mm in length, 109mm in depth and 78mm in height (short clip of the Sound Blaster Katana SE is available on TikTok and YouTube).



Here you can see just how the Katana SE compares to the 1.52Kg heavy Katana V2 (and V2X since it's identical to the V2).



At the front of the soundbar we find two forward 54mm firing tweeters (far left and right), long display, two beamforming microphones (left and right from the display) and the 3.5mm headphones port.



Moving on top we find one 109mm mid-range up-firing driver on each side and the media buttons (this time rubberized) which include the on/off/bluetooth pairing, increase/decrease volume, source (USB/optical/aux/bluetooth/TV), mode (movies/music/gaming/effects) and SXFI buttons.



Turning the Katana SE around we find two passive bass radiators (one on each side) and the HDMI ARC, USB-A (SXFI output for use with USB headphones), USB-C, aux-in, optical in and power ports.



At the base of the soundbar we find three rubber feet (1 more compared to the Katana V2 and V2X models) and a very long RGB LED bar (7 zones - doesn't however extend to the sides like the Katana V2 and V2X).



As expected, Creative has used the same IR remote as with the Katana V2 and V2X.