01 - 06 - 2024
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trackimo 1ttrackimo 2ttrackimo 3tWe received the Trackimo inside a small white box that has the product name on the top, a 2D barcode on the left side and a sticker with the power requirements and the serial and part number on the rear.



trackimo 4t

Since the device is very small and the box is quite thick there were no problems during shipping.



trackimo 5t

Inside the box you will find the Trackimo tracker, 600mAh li-ion rechargeable battery, belt clip attachment, adhesive magnetic attachment (already mounted onto the tracker), adhesive Velcro piece, micro USB charging cable, water resistant silicon cover, lanyard, screwdriver, single screw and the quick start guide.



trackimo 18ttrackimo 19tThe car/marine bundle came in a separate plastic bag and includes the 5v micro USB connector (features a built-in over-temperature protection), fuse cable, battery pole cable and two cable ties.