14 - 06 - 2024
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Pairing the PackTalk Bold Duo to your smartphone is easy, just download the Cardo Connect app, start it, choose your model and press and hold the media/play and phone key until the activity LED starts blinking.



After that you will need to choose the language and name your unit.



An online firmware update is performed afterwards if a new version is found (for this review i used both v2.6 and v2.7).



You can access the settings menu from the top left corner of the main tab and in here you can adjust everything from the volume levels and automatic volume, audio profiles, microphone and voice control sensitivity to Bluetooth audio mixing, audio priority and intelligent noise block.



As for the functions themselves you can use the app to make calls, create intercom/bluetooth groups, play music (can choose the player later on) and listen to radio (you can also change the app look depending on the time of day, automatically or manually).