13 - 06 - 2024
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Installing the Vast system is not hard but in order to properly route the main power cable from your dashboard and all the way to either the cigarette lighter or the OBD we recommend going to a professional.

lanmodo vast 1080p night vision 19t

The cigarette light power adapter has a very convenient illuminated on/off power button on top (on the other hand by using the OBD adapter in many vehicles means the Vast will stay on at all times).



I was able to find a small pitch black road near the lab (there's a halogen street light roughly 40 meters away but even so things are quite dark) so I did a quick test there with surprisingly good results (only pictures however since driving with the lights off in the big city is a big no go).



Here you can see how the Vast system behaves both with my Xenon lights turned on and off (unfortunately since the lens of the Vast system bring everything closer you can only see part of those 40 meters - also the street light seems to "blind" the vast so this is indeed a system designed for places without any lights around).



Seems however that my Nikon DSLR didn’t grab pictures properly so I got them again with my smartphone (did a better job I think) and this time using the base.



Coming across long pitch-black roads inside the big city is not easy so to that end first chance I get I’ll be heading to my village where there are plenty such locations. For now however you can check the above video provided to us by Lanmodo and their support team (we may not be the ones recording it but it's accurate).