14 - 06 - 2024
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The H609 is a rather large model (it does have a 10 inch IPS touch screen after all) measuring 258mm in length, 98mm in height and 39.5mm in thickness.



At the top we find the power mini USB port, the rear camera port and the micro SD card slot (Vantop states that the H609 supports cards up to 128GB in capacity).



Both the speaker and the screen on/off button (the H609 can be used as a regular rear mirror when the screen is turned off) are located at the base of the camera.



Taking a look at the rear we find the mirror holders and the camera lens.



To attach the H609 onto your mirror you will need to use the bundled rubber mounting straps as seen above.



There's also a reset button at the rear of the camera.



Vantop claims to have used 4-layer glass lens for improved picture quality.



The good news is that the lens can be rotated left, right, down and up thus simplifying installation.



Since rear mirrors are not all of the same size the lens can be extended as seen above.



The rear camera can certainly come in handy especially for people who may want a rear parking camera.