14 - 06 - 2024
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cardvr 110b

   After thoroughly testing the CarDVR-110 for almost two weeks i can't say that we were really impressed with its image quality, at least not at first and especially not when compared to the BlackVue Wi-Fi DR550GW-2CH Car Dashcam by Pittasoft. Certainly these two models are not even close in terms of price so naturally we didn't expect the same results but that doesn't change the fact that Rollei didn't place much weight on the image stabilization of the CarDVR-110 which results to somewhat blurry images especially at night. What saves the situation a bit is the size of the unit along with the quality of materials, built-in GPS, bundled remote controller, motion/collision sensors and the rear 2.4" LCD display features that we don't really see much at least not at around the same price range and not from well established brands.


   When we received the CarDVR-110 by Rollei and started testing we thought that it would be priced at around 200Euros so when we checked the results we were somewhat disappointed. However after actually checking online we found out that the CarDVR-110 currently retails for just 139.99Euros directly from Rollei a price tag which is actually less than i could ever hope thus making it quite the bargain (unfortunately Rollei products are not available in the USA currently). Of course if you are after the best possible image quality then the CarDVR-110 is not for you, however if you're just out to purchase a good car camera with features such as a built-in GPS, 2.4" LCD display, remote control, built-in speaker and motion/collision sensors then you should really give it a shot. Overall Rollei has once again released a very good product into the market and although it's certainly not perfect it does offer a very good price/features ratio and that's why it gets our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Full HD 1080p Sensor
- Rear 2.4" Color LCD Display
- Built-In GPS
- Built-In Speaker
- Remote Control
- Motion & Collision Sensors
- HDMI v1.3 Output
- Price (For Some)



- Image Quality (Also A Stabilization Issue Probably)
- Availability Outside Of The EU (Currently)