14 - 06 - 2024
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papago p2pro 01t

A small product image and the main product features are listed at the front of the box.



papago p2pro 02t

On the left side of the box PAPAGO has placed a short product description in 4 languages.



papago p2pro 03t

The product serial number, 2D barcode and the normal barcode are placed on the other side.



papago p2pro 04t

At the top we see several drawings representing the contents of the box.



papago p2pro 05t

The two possible ways you can mount the P2Pro in your car are showcased at the base of the box.



papago p2pro 06t

All of the product features are printed at the rear of the box.



papago p2pro 07t

The bundle is nicely placed inside the box so no problems here.



papago p2pro 08t

Well i can't say that i was surprised with the bundle contents since PAPAGO just offers the suction mount, power adapter, registration paper and the quickstart guide along with the P2Pro but I’ve seen much worse.