01 - 06 - 2024
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vicovation marcus 3 01t

The Marcus 3 arrived inside a long red box with a product drawing at the top along with the company name and the two main recording resolutions.



vicovation marcus 3 02tvicovation marcus 3 03t
Listed at both the front and rear are the features of the Marcus 3.



vicovation marcus 3 04tvicovation marcus 3 05t
At the bottom we see the specifications and bundle contents lists.



vicovation marcus 3 06t

The bundle is safely placed inside the box although i have seen better packaging.



vicovation marcus 3 07t

With the Marcus 3 car dash camera you will also get the cigar power adapter, suction cup mount, 3M sticker mount, extra 3M sticker, 52mm CPL filter mounting bracket, installation guide and a warranty card.