01 - 06 - 2024
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mio mivue 568b

   Mio is one of the two brands I’ve always admired in GPS navigation since their products offered slightly more in terms of quality, features and map accuracy compared to those of their competitors so when i learned that they were also in the car dash camera market i couldn't wait to test one of their offerings and since they decided to send us their latest model in the MiVue line i was even more intrigued. Now i don't know if testing only the best car dashboard cameras in the market currently has made me extremely "picky" but as much as i like PNDs by Mio (we will have some such reviews up soon) i can't say that i was really impressed with the MiVue 568 Touch. The reason is that although it offers overall good image quality especially at night during the day everything is a bit darker than it should and although you can partially fix this by tweaking the settings of the device it almost feels like there's something wrong with the firmware. The good news is that Mio may fix this in the future so this "drawback" may not apply after a few weeks or months but for now it is what it is. On the other hand i have to admit that the touch screen, the available settings and the MiVue Manager software left us with the best possible impressions so Mio really has only the brightness issue to worry about with the 568 Touch.


   When i first started using Mio GPS navigation devices a few years back i can't say that they were the most cost-effective ones in the market but lately that has changed and so Mio is now very competitive when it comes to prices and with a current price tag set at 181.12Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de – not currently available in the USA) it seems that the same applies for their car dash cameras as well. Certainly you can find many models at around the same price range and for even less but not many brands offer the features and the support a name like Mio can so in the end you just need to weigh everything. Personally i did expect slightly more from the MiVue 568 Touch but even so it's still a very good car dash camera and for that it gets our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Size
- 2.5" Touch Screen
- Good Audio & Video Quality
- HDMI Output
- Integrated GPS & G-Sensor
- Available Settings
- MiVue Manager
- Lifetime Safety Camera Updates



- Video Brightness (Daylight Recording)
- Price (For Some)