14 - 06 - 2024
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Rollei has placed quite a few settings in the menu of the CarDVR-120 GPS including the ability to change the video resolution (WVGA/HD/FULLHD/SUPERHD), set the time lapse, mute the microphone, set the time split (1/3/5 minutes), enable the camera to override previous recordings when there's no space in the microSD card, enable/disable the motion detect feature, enable/disable WDR, configure the still resolution and quality, set the power off delay time, enable/disable the LCD auto shutoff feature, enable/disable the timestamp on the video, set the sensitivity for the G-Sensor, set the time & date, format the microSD card, reset the device to its factory state, check the current firmware version and place a password for file playback.




Rollei bundles the GPSplayer program with the CarDVR-120 GPS Car Camera with which you can playback the recordings (as you can with media player) to see where you've been from Google Maps and at what speed (a G-Sensor indicator is also present).