01 - 06 - 2024
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vicovation marcus 1 06t

Both the Marcus 3 and Marcus 1 models feature roughly the same housing so we see measurements of 72mm in height, 53mm in width and 33mm in thickness.



vicovation marcus 1 07t

The F2.2/6G lens of the Marcus 1 can record FHD 1080p and HD 720p video at 30fps with a diagonal angle of 140 degrees.



vicovation marcus 1 08t

Just like with the Marcus 3 located on the right side of the Marcus 1 are the mini USB charging port, HDMI output, GPS port and one of the microphones.



vicovation marcus 1 09t

The second microphone along with the microSD card slot is placed on the left side.



vicovation marcus 1 10t

A 2 inch TFT color LCD screen is placed at the rear along with 5 navigation buttons placed right beneath it.



vicovation marcus 1 11tvicovation marcus 1 12t
For good or bad the Marcus line features external GPS mouse devices which you are required to mount on your dashboard by using the 3M double sided tape.



vicovation marcus 1 13t

Attaching the 52mm CPL filter mount is very easy but since once again we didn't receive that filter from VicoVation we can't really comment on its usefulness.