01 - 06 - 2024
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vicovation opia2 premiumb
   When we tested the Vico-MF3 car camcorder many months ago we didn’t just like its aluminum housing and design (looks like a Leica camera) but also its audio and video quality (although the Ambarella chipset does produce a bit of video noise as usual). On top of that it featured a 3 inch LCD screen and it was quite compact. The Vico-Opia 2 comes very close to the Vico-MF3 but it features a plastic enclosure (which doesn’t look as nice), 2 inch LCD screen, higher aperture size (F2.0 vs F1.8 of the MF3) and reduced video bitrate (16-21.000Kbps vs 22-25.000Kbps). Also unfortunately much like previous models the Opia 2 comes with an external GPS mouse in the bundle rather than a built-in GPS and that’s perhaps the only thing we also didn’t like about the MF3 (more cables is always bad). Personally I’d probably go with the Vico-MF3 than the Vico-Opia 2 for the reasons mentioned above because quite honestly I have very little use for the smart parking surveillance/time-lapse feature of the 2nd so do keep that in mind when making your choice.

   Right now the Vico-Opia 2 Car Camcorder by VicoVation retails for USD249.95 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 200Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk) a price tag that places it roughly 20% over the Vico-MF3 (the GPS mouse and Power-PLUS device are not included). With that in mind unless the smart surveillance features of the Vico-Opia 2 are essential to cover your needs the Vico-MF3 seems like a far better option to us. That being said the Vico-Opia 2 is obviously aimed at a different target audience and since it offers virtually the same audio/video quality as the Vico-MF3 it still manages to get our Golden Award.



- Compact Size
- Highest Dash Camera Recording Resolution Available Currently (2560x1440p @ 30fps)
- Image Quality (Sharpness/Color Reproduction)
- Built-In G-Sensor
- Driver Assistance Features (Speed Warning/LDWS/FCWS/Radar Warning)
- Smart Parking Surveillance Features (Time-Lapse)
- 52mm CPL Mount



- No Built-In GPS & WiFi (For Some)
- Digital Noise (@1440p/1296p)
- Price Compared To The Vico-MF3