14 - 06 - 2024
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day front
As always we didn't use YouTube to place our recordings since we want all of you to see exactly what you will when using the camera (unfortunately that's why the clips are 10-20 seconds long) so to download the above clips (top ones are for the front camera and bottom ones for the rear) you just need to left click with your mouse or right click and use the save as command. Unfortunately by default the camera video quality is set at High and not Highest (via the app) and with that setting you can only achieve a bit rate of roughly 8.5Mbps for the front and 4.5Mbps for the rear camera. In order to achieve the advertised 10/5Mbps you will need to use the Highest settings (unfortunately since we didn’t check the setting prior to recording our clips they were made using High and not Highest so we will update them soon).