13 - 06 - 2024
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The C30B Robot Vacuum by Liectroux measures 33cm in diameter, 7.4cm in height and weighs a total of 2.7Kg.



Liectroux has used a black glossy plastic for the top of the vacuum and here we also see 3 activity LEDs (on/WiFi/Charging) and a large round button the right side of which is the on/off whereas the left side is the start cleaning function.



Although the sides are not perforated, they do feature such a design.



The entire front half of the C30B is a bumper.



Turning the C30B over the first thing you'll see is the very large opening for the dustbin and the water tank.



There are also two large plastic wheels (these wheels can get over obstacles up to 1cm in height), the main v-shaped brush, 3 anti-fall sensors, left/right brush mounting spots, round front wheel and several holes (located over a small speaker).



To access the v-shaped brush you just need to remove the cover as seen above.



Quality may not rival that of the brush used with the Roborock S6 but it comes close.



As mentioned earlier almost half of the total surface is taken by the dustbin/water tank mounting area.



Both the dustbin and the water tank have cleaning instructions on top (here you can also see how to access the HEPA filter location).



The water tank just has a rubber cover on top which you will need to open and pour water inside.



Turning the water tank over we see the water dispersion holes and the 4 areas where the mop cloth can be attached (unlike the Roborock S6 you can't adjust water flow).



The recharge station/base is very compact and also features a black glossy coating.



An activity LED is placed on top while on the right side we find the DC in.



Here you can see the C30B with the dustbin and both its side brushes attached.



Size-wise the C30B is slightly smaller compared to the Roborock S6.



As with the Roborock S6 I first used the C30B for 15 minutes to see just what it would gather and I wasn't disappointed.