01 - 06 - 2024
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The Liectroux X6 window cleaning robot features a white and black polished plastic (ABS) enclosure measuring 240mm in length, 240mm in width and 100mm in height.



On the far right side, we find the on/off power switch and the DC in port.



Moving on the far left side we see the activity LEDs (power/UPS - battery) and several tiny holes beneath which Liectroux has placed a small speaker.



As already mentioned, the X6 comes ready with a safety cable and a carabiner but even though the safety cable can hold up to 150Kg the carabiner can only hold up to 30 (still more than enough for the X6).



Turning the X6 over we see one of the two microfiber mopping cloths, the suction area at the center and the two tracks/belts at the top and bottom.



The microfiber mopping cloths attach onto several Velcro style surfaces.



As you can all see from the above pictures the gray microfiber mopping cloth is meant for wet surfaces (thicker) whereas the orange is for dry and dusty surfaces.



The remote control is made out of plastic (not of high quality unfortunately) and allows you to start/stop, manually control and choose one of the three available cleaning modes for the X6.



Remember that in order to use the X6 you need continuous power so when not plugged into the power the best it can do is stay on for about 20 minutes (it will not however keep cleaning while on battery mode).