15 - 06 - 2024
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The M7 Pro features a black glossy exterior that measures roughly 342mm in diameter and 93mm in height.



The two main buttons at the top (under the same rubber cover) can be used to turn on/ff the device, start/pause cleaning, send back to base for recharging and to reset the network configuration (press both of them for 5 seconds).



This bunker like extension at the top houses the LDS (laser distance sensor).



As mentioned earlier the M7 Pro is surrounded by infra-red and pressure sensitive sensors (remember, all infra-red sensors need to be kept clean for optimal performance).



On the left side we also see the air outlet (air needs to go somewhere).



Taking a look at the base of the M7 Pro we see the pre-attached dust box (with its dust hatch), main rolling brush, two side brushes, two rubber wheels, 4 anti-fall (cliff sensors), center wheel and two charging contacts.



The dust bin release button is located at the rear of the device as seen above.



Proscenic has used a good quality main brush with rubber for its main body.



The dust bin is very large and contains the HEPA air-filter and a cleaning brush.



Once again, the water tank gets attached right beneath the dust bin (thus the somewhat limited capacity of just 110ml).



Unlike what we saw with the Roborock S6 however the water tank of the M7 Pro only has a water inlet at the top and two filters on its base (no water amount adjusters).



The bundled charging station has an activity LED at the top and measures 144mm in length, 139mm in width and 99mm in height.



Turning the station around we see the power port and two cable routing channels (L/R).



The remote control may not score high in terms of quality but it's compact and has most commands casual consumers will ever need (from top to bottom we have recharge, manual control, start/pause, spot cleaning, mopping mode, mute, suction increase/decrease and max suction buttons).