13 - 06 - 2024
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ecovacs deebot n8 pro plus review b

   ECOVACS is a name I've known for years but i just now managed to test their devices and so far, i have to say that I'm impressed. To be more specific even though the DEEBOT N8 PRO+ is not quite perfect it does extremely well and certainly trades blows with both the S6 by Roborock and the M7 Pro by Proscenic. Of course, the DEEBOT N8 PRO+ is a far more complete solution but for some strange reason the first 2-3 times i used it, well it just wouldn't cover the entire house (it would just go to 2 out of the 6 rooms and return to recharge). With that out of the way however (it only happened the first 2-3 times) the DEEBOT N8 PRO+ did extremely well in everything i threw at it. Unfortunately, just like with the M7 Pro by Proscenic the auto-empty station sometimes will not be able to suck everything inside the dust bin (large/heavy things and concentrated dust for example) and i expect that to disappoint some people (not me since i prefer emptying the dust bin itself) especially since a considerable piece of the DEEBOT N8 PRO+ price is because of that. As for battery life at 15% the DEEBOT N8 PRO+ starts its return trip to the auto-empty station for recharging (and no you can't override that so basically the usable amount of battery for cleaning is 85%) regardless of its position to it.

   Right now, the DEEBOT N8 PRO+ robot vacuum by ECOVACS retails for USD699.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 669.99Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which is relatively good. Still seeing that the auto-empty station doesn’t perform well with heavy/large things sucked by the vacuum getting the standalone DEEBOT T9 (review soon) for roughly the same amount or even the DEEBOT N8 PRO could be a better choice. Overall, I didn’t have any other issues with the N8 PRO+, performance is very good, it’s less audible than many other models, battery life is very good and in terms of build quality it does feel like a premium product and for all those it deserves the Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Suction Power (2600Pa)
- Battery Life (3200mAh / Up To Almost 2.4 Hours)
- Noise Levels (Compared To Both Similar Models & A Regular Vacuum)
- LDS/dToF Laser Navigation (Mapping Accuracy)
- Mopping Feature
- Auto Empty Station


- Auto Empty Station (Can't Suck Large Debris)
- Price (For Some)