01 - 06 - 2024
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neatsvor x600 review a

   Believe it or not between taking, choosing and editing (lighting) countless pictures, testing devices and typing my reviews i have very little time left every day, most of which is taken by other things i need to do (like house & office chores, working out and tending to my cats). So, I’m always trying to find ways to save time, whether that's by ordering food instead of making it myself or using cleaning products like cordless vacuums and robot vacuum cleaners. Granted robot vacuum cleaners may not offer the same level of cleaning as if you did it yourself but the end result does come close and taking into account the time you save, I'd say robot vacuum cleaners are clearly very useful inventions. Just short of two months ago another such device arrived in the office/lab, the X600 by Neatsvor.

   Neatsvor, a young and dynamic brand for cutting edge robot vacuum cleaner, One of the most advanced robot technology company, we design and built cleaning robots for the purpose of liberating more human resources. Neatsvor focuses solely on building high quality, more affordable products over the past years. Purchase our cleaning robot is truly an investment in your home. Let us embrace the future together and spend more quality time with our family and friends.

   The X600 may be a budget model by Neatsvor but it still features LDS (laser distance sensor - Lidar v4.0) navigation for 360 degree scanning, pressure sensor (doesn't force its way under furniture) and real time mapping (paired with SLAM algorithm for improved area mapping and cleaning). Of course, that's not all you're getting from this budget-friendly model since the X600 also packs a strong brushless motor rated for up to 4000Pa of suction power, dual side brushes, dual compartment electronic water bin (350ml water compartment - Neatsvor doesn't state this in the specs but the dust compartment should be around 200/250ml), 600ml dust container, numerous sensors (anti-fall, anti-collision and edge-cleaning sensors), HEPA filter, WiFi 2.4GHz connectivity, 2500mAh lithium-ion rechargeable battery pack (which according to Neatsvor can power the X600 for up to 120 minutes) and support for smart home integration via voice commands (Amazon Alexa and/or Google Home). Needless to say, Neatsvor offers full control of the X600 via an Android/iOS app (includes several functions/commands such as auto-clean, manual control, zone cleaning and scheduling). Also, worth mentioning is that Neatsvor covers their products with a 3-year limited warranty.

















neatsvor x600 review 1t

As with most robot vacuum cleaners the X600 arrived inside a plain cardboard box that has a product drawing at the front along with the product name and the company logo.



The product specifications are printed on the right side of the box.



Typically, the X600 is wrapped inside a plastic bag and placed inside a formed piece of cardboard with a white piece of foam placed on top.



Along with the X600 and its pre-installed dust bin inside the box you'll also find 4 side brushes (2 plus 2 replacement ones), brush & cutter tool, extra HEPA filter with a filter sponge, extra mop cloth, electronic water tank (mop cloth already attached), charging base, charging adapter and the user manual.



THE X600






With a diameter of 330mm and a height of 98mm the glossy black body of the X600 is similar to every other robot vacuum in the market.



As expected at the top we find the LDS cover, WiFi activity LED and the power and return to recharge buttons.



At the front we find the usual bumper behind which lie more sensors.



The bins/tanks are slide in models as seen in the above picture.



The dust box opens up to reveal the HEPA compartment and can also open up entirely for easier cleaning.



On the other hand, the electronic water tank feels more robust but has no HEPA filter compartment.



I was a bit surprised to see that the X600 has both an on/off power switch and an power adapter port (probably in case the base gets damaged or if you want to take the X600 with you without it).



Turning the X600 over we see the two rubber coated wheels, 3 sensors (anti-fall and edge cleaning), main rolling brush, center wheel and the dual side brushes.



The main brush is of good quality and had no problems with it during the almost 1 month of testing.



Neatsvor packs a rather typical charging base with their X600 (no complaints here).









To control the X600 you will need to download the WeBack Android/iOS App.

The app is compatible only with 2.4GHz WiFi signals so make sure your modem/router is using that.



Afterwards pairing the X600 just takes but a couple of minutes.



The main app tab displays the paired devices and their current state.



From inside the settings tab, you can check for new firmware updates, adjust the voice feature (increase/decrease volume), use manual control, clear the current map from memory, schedule cleaning, switch between feet and meters as area unit measurement and check information about the device.



As you can see from the above pictures 3D mapping is very accurate and in terms of available features you can add zones, perform spot (specified location) cleaning and of course change suction power (3 levels, quiet, standard and strong).









Robot Vacuums may be home appliances but they are very advanced ones so I thought about running some tests like I do with most electronic devices. So here you can see the maximum cleaned area during all tests (single pass, start to finish), total battery life (in quiet - standard/balanced - strong/max modes) and noise levels again in quiet - standard/balanced - strong/max suction modes.









neatsvor x600 review b

   The X600 is a marketed by Neatsvor as a budget-friendly model filled with goodies and yes, it’s exactly that. Suction power is good (not great however) for most things found on a floor, battery life is sufficient for even the largest homes and/or offices (still I was unable to even surpass 100 minutes, let alone hit 120 – that does vary from floor to floor however) and as for noise levels, well the brushless motor is a tad noisier than expected at max suction. On the other hand, 3D mapping is very good, I had no complaints during my tests in regards to cleaning (although other models have done better) and the application even though somewhat basic is very easy to use. Unfortunately, during my tests the X600 did “force” itself under two cabinets and by force i mean it was very hard even for me to remove it when it got stuck. This is the first time this has happened with a robot vacuum and honestly i don’t know how it happened. Still in almost a month of testing this happened twice so it could be just a coincidence or a slight issue with my sample.

   Currently Neatsvor sells the X600 Robot Vacuum Cleaner for just 209Euros (Neatsvor.com) a price tag which is very tempting for this specific model. Again, you’re not getting a top-of-the-line robot vacuum cleaner but rather a budget-friendly model with the abilities we used to see with high-end models and that’s a good deal in my book. So, because of everything the X600 Robot Vacuum Cleaner by Neatsvor delivers it gets highly recommend by me, so give it a fair shot, you might just be glad you did.


- Good Build Quality
- Size / Height - Suction Power (4000Pa)
- Electronic Water Tank
- Left & Right Cleaning Brushes
- Large Dustbin and Dual Tank Capacity
- Control App
- Price (For Some)


- Noise Levels (For Some)
- Battery Life (For Some)
- Charging Base Size (Vacuum Is Exposed)