14 - 06 - 2024
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liectroux i5 pro review b

   The very first thing you’ll notice about the i5 Pro is the lack of available suction modes. So, although every other cordless vacuum out there has at least 2 (some have as many as 4-5) the i5 Pro has but one which means that suction power and noise are both fixed. Personally, I can’t say I found the noise coming from the 25000RPM brushless motor annoying but it is quite a bit and so potential buyers do need to be aware of that. The dual-tank feature is probably the most important aspect of the i5 Pro since it allows you to use the mopping function far more efficiently compared to other vacuum cleaners. Unfortunately, dust, debris and water don’t “mix” well in the front tank so it may require a bit of extra cleaning at times. For the most part however the i5 Pro outperforms most cordless vacuums out there, at least in that regard. The addition of a UV lamp is always welcome (especially when you have pets at home) as is the charging base which however doesn’t scream “quality” no matter how you look at it (still better than not having one at all). As for battery life i was able to hit 36 minutes which although certainly not superb still it was more than enough for me to clean both floors of my house.

   With just over 1 month left before Christmas availability on the i5 Pro Smart Vacuum by Liectroux is limited at best. Still the limited online stores and/or distributors that do carry it have it priced at around USD390/350Euros a price which is indeed just a tad higher than expected. Of course, with similar products by other brands retailing for even more (and clearly not as “capable” with mopping) this may actually not seem as high to some people. With that out of the way however, does the i5 Pro deliver? The answer is yes, it’s certainly not a perfect product but it does mop a lot better compared to all the cordless vacuums I’ve used and/or tested to date and for that it gets the Golden Award.


- Overall Build Quality
- 25000RPM Motor
- Clean & Dirty Water Tanks
- Dual Water Jets
- Self Cleaning Function
- UV Sterilization
- Charging Base


- Size / Weight (For Some)
- Overall Noise Levels
- Battery Life (Up To 36 Minutes)